Kamis, 06 Juni 2013


 English Practice Group 6

Hello my name is Rezky Ardiansyah,  and i want to discribes all attitude of my friends . Okay i start from........

 1. Erlinda. She was a good, disciplined, diligent, friendly, and humorous. but sometimes he has a not good attitude, like gossiping, forgetful, insensitive, not on time, not responsible.

2. Ade Kartika . She was a friendly girl, cool, good, funny and polite. but sometimes she is a woman who does not have a good attitude, slackers, not timely, not care, arrogant and undisciplined.

3. Friska . she was a good woman, friendly, diligent, polite and funny. but sometimes she is a woman who does not have a good attitude, always panic, always daydreaming, and not on time, forgetful

4. Rizky. He was a good, nice, friendly, disciplined, and polite. but sometimes she is a woman who does not have a good attitude, like mocking, lazy to work, always late, not responsible, forgetful



My name Friska Handayanni Maruhawa, and I will tell my friends my attitude of group 5. ranging from ..
First, our group leader named Rezky. I think the positive attitude that I have seen of him, he is a polite, quiet, always provide information, not easily angered, and can be a good listener. negative attitudes that I see of him, the attitude of his leadership lacking, indecisive, a little lazy, and sometimes he can hurt other people's feelings.

second, Erlinda. I think the positive attitude that I have seen of him, he is a diligent, humorous, free-spirited, assertive, and talent to be a leader. negative attitude that I have seen of him, he is a hot-tempered, self-centered, can not be a good listener, restless, and likes to protect themselves.

Third, Ade. in my opinion, positive attitude that I have seen of him, he is an active person, the giver (not stingy), it is suitable to be a leader, humorous, and lighthearted. negative attitude that I have seen of him, he always mastered adalh people, do not like to see people who stiff, sometimes he can also hurt other people, irritability, and a little selfish.

Rizky and the latter, in my opinion, a positive attitude that I have seen of him, he is a practical, efficient, quiet, sociable, and friendly. negative attitude that I have seen of him, he is a weak person will, do not believe in yourself to herself, timid, indecisive, and lacking discipline

My name Erlinda , and I will tell my friends attitude of the group 5. starts from ..

Ade Kartika Damyanti
Postive :                                                                                  Negative :
-          She is easygoing                                              -  She is too casual
-          She has good initiative                                    -  She likes to joke
-          She is friendly                                                 -  Sometimes a little bit emotional
-          She likes to share                                            -  She is a little bit impatient
-          She is kind                                                      -  Sometimes her talk is too straight

Friska Handayani Maruhawa
Postive :                                                                                  Negative :
-          She is diligent                                                 -  She likes to daydream
-          She has a strong analytical                              -  She is shy
-          She is kind                                                      -  She is less confident
-          She is patient                                                   -  She is a little introvert
-          She likes to help                                              -  She is a little awkward

Rizky Tri Sanjaya
Postive :                                                                                  Negative :
-          He likes to smile and joke                               -  He is a little bit quiet
-          He is easygoing                                               -  He is less initiative
-          He is friendly                                                  -  He less a little bit enthusiastic
-          He is calm                                                       -  He is shy
-          He is kind                                                        -  He less self-motivation

Rezky Ardiansyah
Postive :                                                                                  Negative :
-          He is a good leader                                        -  Sometimes a little bit awkward
-          He is friendly                                                  -  He has less initiative
-          He has a good responsibility                           -  He is mysterious
-          He is kind                                                       -  He is a little bit quiet
-          He is serious                                                   -  He is a little stubborn

 My name Rizky Tri Sanjaya , and I will tell my friends attitude of the group 5. starts from .

I think ade : +cheerful, considerate,cooperative, open-minded, optimistic
                        -devoted  rebellious, indifferent, stubborn,spendthrift, Careless
I think rezky: + focused, frugal, honest, humble, accepts authority
                          -Fearful, rejects change, rude, lack of self confidence, selfish
I think friska: + polite, responsible, strong, soft,hard work
                         -gloomy, fearful, gives up, aloof, pessimistic
I think Linda : +self-confident, self-disciplined, serious, sincere, thoughtless
                          -secretive, rigid, Easily discouraged,Harried, Numb

  My name Ade Kartika, and I will tell my friends attitude of the group 5. starts from .

I think rizky : +cheerful, considerate,cooperative, open-minded, optimistic
                     -devoted  rebellious, indifferent, stubborn,ignorant, peeve

I think rezky: + focused, reserved, dillegent, humble, accepts authority
                     -Fearful, rejects change, rude, lack of self confidence, selfish

I think friska: + polite, responsible, never give up, dilligent, smart
                         - reserved, fanciful, morose, worrie, pessimistic

I think Linda : +  humorous, friendly, funny, sincere, thoughtless
                       -secretive, rigid, Easily discouraged,Harried, Numb
Thanks. :)


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