Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Business Plan Proposal


1.        REZKY ARDIANSYAH (D3 AKUNTANSI/102102013)
2.      ERLINDA (D3 AKUNTANSI/102102196)
4.     RIZKY TRI SANJAYA (D3 KEUANGAN/102101115)



I.         Business Background

I.A. Basic Business Idea
Business and industrial word is currently experiencing increasingly rapid growd, as evidenced by the many entrepreneurs both micro and macro with an interesting variety of their business, and will certainly generate profits to improve the lives of employers and employees in the business.
The type of business that is currently emerging enterprises in the industrial sector, one of the many popular industry is snack food industry, and in fact can be seen along major roads in the city of Medan many outlets that sell snacks with different flavors and ingredients. This development is due start of the high demand of snacks (snack craze) and the desire to enjoy the different flavors offered by food producers looks and attractive colors as well as provide affordable prices, then it is the right decision to participate enliven the world food industry.
This effort will run starch will run a starch processing, cheese and eggs by frying method with an inviting sense of taste.
The decision to make this cheese bidaran motivated by the many benefits of cheese.
Cheese comes from the old English word Cese and chiese, or from the Latin caseus. The same words in German for cheese is kase, while in France and Spain and Italy fromage named this product as queso and formaggio.
 Cheese made ​​from raw milk either cow's milk, goat, and buffalo. Most people suspect that the cheese was first made in the Middle East region. According to an Arab legend, a wandering nomad with her ​​horse while carrying milk in their drinking place. After a few hours, it turns out that the milk had separated into white blobs and pale-colored liquid. It turns out it was caused by drinking places made ​​of veal stomach it contains enzymes that can coagulate milk, the scorching sun and the movement of horses during the wander. Without knowing it, the wanderer sample liquid and lumps it, and considers it feels good.
Cheese is valuable because of its age durable, as well as fat content, protein, calcium, and phosphorus is high chesee is more durable than milk.
Whatever the type, definitely cheese made ​​from raw milk. Compaction and fermentation stages during the manufacturing process to further improve the nutritional value of cheese. Protein content for example, cheese is higher than fresh milk. 100 gr cheese contains on average 22.8 g protein, whereas fresh milk only 3.2 by100 gr. So is the calcium content, cheese contains 777 mg of fresh milk and only about 143 mg per 100 grams heavy material.
In addition to the above nutrients, the cheese is also high in carbohydrate, fat, iron, fat and phosphorus. By consuming 100 grams of cheese, your calcium needs tersuplai 20-25% of the daily calcium requirement. Results of some studies eating cheese can reduce the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome and strengthening bones. Higher content of various minerals in cheese is excellent for protecting teeth from caries, is because the earlier elements can strengthen tooth mineralization email.
While eggs are nutritious and easily available at affordable prices. Eggs contain high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals high. Eggs also have benefits such as maintaining brain health, prevent blood coagulation, preventing visual impairment due to cataract and age and protect eyesight without increasing cholesterol.
a.      Economic Benefits
Business idea based on the description above, in economic terms, this business has benefits:
In business operations, we will be trained to apply the financial management of the business well, and earn a living themselves.
b.      Social Benefits
In addition to the expected benefits in terms of economy, then there is some merit in the social field, including :
·         Be the handle extra income
·         Develop solidarity in entrepreneurship
·         Snack consumtion is expected to be useful for improving the health of USU students.

II.       Businesses to be run has a vision :
"Creating creations snacks of cheese that has many health benefits."
With the following mission :
1)       Making snacks from starch, cheese, and eggs
2)     Creates a different taste of processed cheese
3)     Maintain the quality of the cheese bidaran replace cooking oil every frying
4)     Be honest, friendly, and clean.
It is hoped that consumers will get the health and satisfaction through consumption, and eventually became our loyal customers.

III.        Business Concept
Business Name          : Bidaran Cheese
Location                     : Around Campus University of North Sumatra
Type of Business        : Small and Medium Enterprises
Status                                    : Beginning

a)     Business Goals
1.        Provide employment, because in this business do not put a diploma, but it relies on skill, potential, and high motivation.
2.       Train and develop business and management skills early on, and an opportunity for us to become young entrepreneurs.
b)     Business History
In short it can be said that the history of this effort was inspired by student demand which they liked the foods that contain cheese, then from this sparked an idea to create a food made ​​of cheese, and the food was named bidaran cheese.

IV.                Description and Business Planning
A.     Technical Aspects
1.       Nature of business
This business is engaged in manufacturing snack.
2.       Type and Target Production
Production-based snacks such as cheese, flour and eggs.
Bidaran cheese will run its business, from Monday to Friday during school breaks.
The target of production and sales is 50 packs per day at an affordable price according to the quality.
3.       Location of Business
Selected business location is the location of production around campus usu
B.      Aspects of Purchasing
To start bidaran cheese production, we need the industrial products as below :
·         Raw Materials
Namely: Kanji Flour, Cheese, Egg, Salt
·         Accessories Equipment
ü  Equipment: cooking oil, plastic bags, candles, paper brands.
ü  kitchen appliances: gas cylinders (including other gas appliances), cooking stoves, fryers, cooking spoons, filters, cooking oil containers, trays, newspapers, grated.

V.      Planning Marketing
A.     Target Market Analysis
In various types of business any good service, commercial and industrial marketing activities are things that have to be prepared as possible due to a very high level of importance. And marketing itself means a whole system of activities aimed at business planning, pricing, promoting and distributing goods and services that can satisfy the needs of interested buyers.
Given the importance of marketing, then even this micro business must determine its market segment. Further in accordance with the terms of the market is a group of people who have money to spend, have the willingness, and authority to make purchases, the market segmentation Bidaran Cheese consists of several factors :
·         Geografis Factor               : Around Campus USU
·         Demographic Factors       : - Age: 17-30 years
·         Sex                                    : Male and Female
·         Religion                             : All religions.
Bidaran effort cheese is a promising venture, because the demand is almost evenly in every society or anyone can enjoy it.
B.      Target Marketing
Business opportunities of the market is large enough, just how utilizing every opportunity.
C.      Identification methods Consumer Interests
The food industry is a sustainable industry because every day people have physiological needs (such as food), and everyone would want to satisfy her appetite to try new things and be fixed to a food buyer.
In the above case the entrepreneurs (producers) have to really know what kind of food people want, taste like what they wanted, and the price and service are expected.
Therefore, this cheese Bidaran trying to apply some of the methods that can satisfy even the needs of consumers, with the method :
ü  affordable pricing. Subsequent to the observation of the market and compared with the cost of production, the sale price of each pack of these foods is Rp 2,000, -.
ü  Maintain quality assured and lawful, the use of new cooking oil for frying 1 times.
ü  Friendly service, clean, and honest

D.   Sales approach
1.        Production Volume
Based on the percentage of people who are expected to buy, then the volume or quantity of production is 4500 pcs a month, with the average sales by day of 50 pcs.
2.       Competitive Strategy
No sales of products that will not have competitors, even competitors are far away but that's marketing competitors. And Bidaran This cheese has a lot of good competitors competitors with similar menus and menu or different ingredients such as cassava chips, donuts, fried foods, etc., that have long operated and has its own customers.
Needed to respond to the competition fair competition strategy and not detrimental to certain parties. The following comparison of competitive strategies;
* Strategic Competitor
  Strategies undertaken competitors, including :
a.      Products; quality is not good, if the note is more brown fried due to the use of cooking oil that many times, the same relative size, but packing less healthy because it is directly inserted into plastic sleeves (hot food is not good for health if placed directly on the material plastic).
b.      Price; offered the same price, but there are some menus that are sold at a cheaper price at $ 2,000, -/bungkus.
c.        Place of Sale; sales or marketing techniques in different places (to move).
d.      Promotion; responses only from the public as consumers.
* Strategy Team
Strategy we will do :
a.      Product quality is definitely better because we will be maintaining the quality of health care for which the use of disposable cooking oil in a frying pan, so that gives health and dark colors that are not fried. While packaging using paper bags that have been designed using the brand and put a plastic bag.
b.      Price: IDR 2,000, -/bungkus.
c.        Place of Sale; moved around (campus to campus).
d.      Promotion; tester (give examples of foods).

E. Distribution Channels
The use of appropriate distribution channels will provide benefits such as availability of bidaran cheese at the right moment for consumers.
 We assume that these snacks would be nice if closer to the people, so that unmet demand and maximize profits, then in marketing and sales Bidaran Cheese uses 1 channel distribution is no Channel (from the manufacturer directly to consumers)


F. Promotion
As we know that the products or services produced by the company may not be able to find your own buyer or devotees. 0leh Therefore, manufacturers Bidaran Cheese is in dire need of consumers and customers. One of the ways in which producers in the field of marketing with the aim of improving the results of the product through promotional activities.
Can not be denied that the promotion is one of the factors necessary for success and applied marketing strategies of a business, especially at this time when the era of rapidly evolving information, the promotion is one powerful weapon for the effort in developing and maintaining the business.
Media campaign that we will use is tester bidaran cheese. With the promotion of the area around the USU campus. Furthermore our willingness to clearly informed about the menu, price, quality, and other things deemed necessary.

VI. Management planningOrganizational Sructure

Bevel: Leadership

Bevel: Finance & Administration Manager
Bevel: Production and Marketing Manager Marketing


Pemilik dan Pengelola
1.         Leadership                                          
Rezky Ardiansyah
      2. Finance & Administration Manager        :
a.       Friska handayani Maruhawa
b.       Erlinda
      3. Production and Marketing Manager       : 
a.       Ade Kartika Damayanti
b.       Rizky Tri Sanjaya

A.1 Leadership
Responsible for planning, coordinating, directing, and monitoring, as well as quality improvement.* Job Description:
³    Lead and control all business activities Bidaran Cheese
³    Plan and work program

* Qualifications: Minimal currently studying, at least 18 years of age, a personal quality; discipline, high work motivation, attention, self-sufficient, able to influence others, to make decisions, to be fair and responsible.

A.2 Finance & Administration Manager
* Job Description:
³  Controlling finance activities
³  Control program and income financial expenses
³  Plan and control the sources of income and expenditure and business property
³  Take note of any transactions and other administrative duties
Carry out duties as instructed
³  In carrying out their duties is responsible for the leadership
* Qualifications: Have experience in the field, personal quality; attention, disciplined, highly motivated, able to work together, independent, customer-oriented, meticulous.
A.3 Production and Marketing Manager
* Job Description:
³  Monitor the implementation of the production plan
³  Responsible for the control of raw materials and efficient use of labor, equipment, and machinery
³  Always trying to improve the skills of each employee
³  Creating reports on activities in the field according the prevailing system
³  Trying to find ways of cutting costs and methods of repair work more efficiently
³  To purchase the materials in order to plan the operation can be met and the purchase of materials and equipment at the level where the business will be able to compete in marketing their products
³  Following the development of new materials that can be beneficial in the production process, developments in design, price and other factors that may affect the company's products, prices and designs
³  Controlling execution of marketing programs Bidaran cheese, cover; manufacture and stock business, distribution, and determination of price control, marketing, and other aspects related to marketing
³   Determining the target market
³  Monitor customer satisfaction, evaluate the competition, as well as identify trends and market opportunities

* Qualifications:  Minimum age 20 years, personal quality; attention, discipline, high work motivation, able to work together, independent, customer-oriented, loyal

VII. Operation planning

VII.A. Method of Operation
Every effort is planned to be applied at the operational stage. Then it is important to determine the method of strategic operations, here we choose the method effectiveness and efficiency in the use of inputs means seeking the input of appropriate use and not wasted. The production process is shown by the following scheme:



Explanation Scheme

1). The above scheme is a stage production of cheese in general Bidaran, beat eggs until fluffy advance.
2). Enter the flour, salt to taste and cheese that has been shredded into eggs that have been whipped
3). Then heat cooking oil.
4). In the fourth stage, form the dough into small pieces about the size of a matchstick, then fried, stir the batter until fluffy.
5). The last stage is to remove and drain bidaran cheese, let cool and put in plastic bags and plastic lid to tightly

VII.B. Facility Operations
Proper placement and strategic marketing will facilitate business operations, including:
³  venture is a strategic location in Around Campus USU.

VII.C. Quality Control Methods
In this case can be explained that the quality is top priority, so each pack sold cheese bidaran longer than 1 month after frying. Bidaran cheese will be durable if at the time the packaging is done properly so as not to catch a cold.

VII.D. Inventory Control Procedures and Operations
1). At the start of the first production of the amount produced by 50 vendors.
2). After Bidaran cheese sold, then for the next stage of production will be added to 75 packs.
3). The use of cooking oil 2 kg for all frying and cooking oil replacement will always be done every frying.

VII.E. Purchasing procedures
In this discussion, we are planning the purchase of the following procedures:
  1. Leadership with particular Purchasing Manager will divide the duties of providing equipment and supplies such as: gas stove, skillet, cooking spoons, filtering, and trays.
  2. The second team then buy a relatively small kitchen appliances, such as: Grated cheese, egg beaters.
  3. Basic materials will be arranged directly by the Purchasing Manager and Production.
  4. Targeted delivery of all items are in 1 day.

VIII. Financial Plan
Use of Venture Capital
As for the source of funding this effort are:
As much private capital team:
Rp. 150.000.
Cost type
per Day
Unit cost

Bahan Baku
3 point
¼ Kg
1 Stick
Cooking Oil
2 Kg
3 kg gas cylinders
1 cylinder
Supplies packaging (plastic, wax, paper brands)


Total Variable Cost
Rp 80.500

IX. Conclusion and Closing

  1. This venture is a business student, a venture capital and private equity team
  2. Made hygienic production process.
  3. The market opportunity is Students aged 17-30 years.
  4. In running a business requires innovation and a range of flavors to increase sales.

Thus the business proposal submitted. For your attention and good cooperation from the Sir, we thank you

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